COVID-19 SUPPORT: How to Align. Connect. Lead in times of uncertainty

Providing COVID-19 support services to for-profit and non-profit business in our community suffering the effects of the pandemic.

At LM&A we are leveraging our 75 years of combined experience to offer small and mid-sized businesses an array of COVID-19 support services that have been specifically tailored to address the sudden hurdles imposed by the coronavirus crisis.

How do we best align, connect and lead in times of uncertainty? This is a burning question that is keeping many executives of small and mid-sized organizations, as well as leaders of non-profits, up at night in light of the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. At LM&A Consulting, we are focusing all of our resources and talent in supporting our clients through this difficult time. We are actively collaborating with them to provide COVID-19 support by aligning with their teams and finding ways of responding instead of reacting in the midst of this continuously changing landscape.

Committed to offering much-needed COVID-19 support

Leveraging our talents and expertise to help organization’s in our community navigate these trying times is the best way we can improve the quality of life in our communities and beyond. Drawing on more than 75 years of combined experience, our team of experts is providing unparalleled consulting services in a multitude of areas to help your organization tackle the challenges brought on by COVID-19. We are covering everything from crisis management and innovative communications and business strategies, to identifying and processing economic injury disaster funding opportunities. The purpose is simple: it is our duty to help our community overcome the hurdles of the sudden disruption that has been brought on by this pandemic.

For-profit businesses and non-profits alike are seeking help

Amidst the current crisis, mid-sized for-profit entities and non-profits alike, are contemplating putting off decision making while the situation stabilizes. Our COVID-19 support strategy differs slightly from this perspective and empowers leaders to continue connecting and effecting change despite the current conditions. 

3 ways you can start tackling COVID-19’s effects right now:

What are some tactics that are differentiating those executives who are leading the path of responding, instead of reacting? Let’s explore together:

  1. Increase communication and build online engagement:

     In light of the current situation, maintaining clients and supporters informed is key. In times of uncertainty, most people are constantly checking emails and social accounts to maintain themselves informed. This is the perfect opportunity to connect further with you constituency and keep them abreast of what your organization is currently doing to mitigate the situation. Video messages, teleconferences, and virtual town halls are some great ways to connect during this social distancing period. Creativity can also go a long way. A digital journal from a brand ambassador or a recipient of your services is another  innovative way to maintain your brand relevant. 

    For non-profits, this is also the time to strategize and implement in the coming weeks and months on creative annual giving efforts events such as a virtual 5K run/walks that could potentially help raise some much needed funds to keep operations afloat

  2. Social distancing doesn’t mean everything needs to be cancelled:

    Instead of cancelling or postponing events or gatherings, our recommendation is to move them online and create a digital experience to further support your entity. This is the time to leverage the millennials “obsession” with technology and take advantage of the diversity of software platforms available in the market. In these times of social distancing, Zoom and virtual platforms could help replace the traditional non-profit galas and receptions and keep your audiences engaged. 

  3. Connect with everyone from a place of empathy: 

    Keeping in mind that, as a pandemic, COVID-19 is affecting all of us, it is imperative to maintain a positive mindset when it comes to communicating and dealing with our clients and/or donors. This is the time to offer resources such as remote coaching or mindfulness trainings to staff, clients and volunteers. Mindfulness practices, for example, could include some type of meditation component which has proven to be a powerful tool when used in a stressful environment.

    Researchers from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD recently published a study that supports how mindful meditation can help ease psychological stresses like anxiety, depression, and pain. Going above and beyond the reactionary communications to support your audience emotionally will help cement your relationships with clients, donors and/or supporters. From our experience, during or after a crisis, some people in your circle of influence might fall out of touch if they  no longer feel connected to you. These types of resources will help them keep in touch during a difficult period, and these loyalty strategies will help guarantee your relationships outlast the crisis at hand.

These are no doubt trying times for all—big or small, for-profit or non-profit. However, one thing remains certain: like evolution itself, only the ones that adapt the best will emerge victorious. To be able to swiftly adapt in these uncertain times, you need the right tools and an experienced team behind you. Learn more about our innovative COVID-19 support services. The outcome is clear: you will not only emerge victorious; you will be stronger—more resilient.